Firefighters tackle industrial blaze in Manchester

Sunday, August 13, 2006 Over fifty firefighters are damping down after a tanker exploded at an industrial unit in Salford in Greater Manchester. At one point, thick smoke could be seen drifting across Manchester city centre. According to Greater Manchester Ambulance Service, no one has been hurt as a result of the explosion. A fire service spokesman said a Heavy Goods Vehicle and a nearby building were engulfed in flames.

African Markets For Chinese Manufacturers Increase The Opportunities

More On This Topic: Workplace Info Website By Lanbo Jiang African officials, businessmen and experts, Africa’s rich resources, vast market and increasingly improved investment environment and the Chinese government introduced the policy in recent years to facilitate Chinese Investment in Africa, will attract more and more Chinese SMEs in Africa investment and achieve win-win development. At present, China’s small and medium enterprises investing in Africa gradually became boom. Experts pointed

Payment pending; Canadian recording industry set for six billion penalties?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 A report published last week in the Toronto Star by Professor Michael Geist of Canada’s University of Ottawa claims a copyright case under the Class Proceedings Act of 1992 may see the country’s largest players in the music industry facing upwards of C$6 billion in penalties. The case is being led by the family and estate of the late jazz musician Chet Baker; moving to take

Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Green candidate Russ Aegard, Thunder Bay-Atikokan

Monday, September 24, 2007 Russ Aegard is running for the Green Party of Ontario in the Ontario provincial election, in the Thunder Bay-Atikokan riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign. Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from

Glencore announces Tahmoor mine in New South Wales to close

Friday, June 3, 2016 Swiss mining company Glencore announced yesterday the closure of its coal mine in Tahmoor, New South Wales, Australia. The mine is to be closed by early 2019, pointing to the downturn of coal prices in global markets. Glencore stated, “The decision has been made as a result of continued low prices in global coal markets, which has meant the economic return from reserves still available at

Will Network Marketing Continue To Grow?

More On This Topic: Reverse Mortgage Finance Submitted by: Merv Stevens At a recent Go Pro Recruiting Mastery event put on by Eric Worre, an amazing keynote presentation was given by industry leader Nathan Ricks. This highlight from the presentation is something that you ll want to share with your ENTIRE team and answers the often asked question, Will network marketing continue to grow? Network marketing will continue to grow!

Drug-resistant staph deaths surpass AIDS in the United States

Wednesday, October 17, 2007 Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a drug-resistant strain of bacteria, killed nearly 19,000 Americans in 2005 alone, according to a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association. That is more people than were killed by AIDS in the United States. More than 94,000 Americans were afflicted with MRSA infections in 2005. Although the supergerm, or superbug, is primarily found in hospitals, a growing number

UK company “seriously considering” GPS tracking devices in school uniforms

Saturday, August 25, 2007 The leading supplier of school uniforms in the United Kingdom, Lancashire-based manufacturer Trutex, has announced it is “seriously considering” including GPS tracking devices in future ranges of its uniform products after conducting an online survey of both parents and children. “As a direct result of the survey, we are now seriously considering incorporating a [tracking] device into future ranges” said Trutex marketing director Clare Rix. The

Gastric bypass surgery performed by remote control

Sunday, August 21, 2005 A robotic system at Stanford Medical Center was used to perform a laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery successfully with a theoretically similar rate of complications to that seen in standard operations. However, as there were only 10 people in the experimental group (and another 10 in the control group), this is not a statistically significant sample. If this surgical procedure is as successful in large-scale studies, it

Fundraising Event Ideas}

More On This Topic: Bbq Wood Pellets Fundraising Event Ideas by [youtube][/youtube] Cushy Event fundraising is the most publicized way of raising funds. It involves everyone in the community and sure to attract greater financial gain. Getting the community occupied and having fun earns more attract and the result is more funds. Even if your group is low on fund raising, the event garners maximum gain with minimum effort. It