- Failure To Validate Debt Letter
Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loan Take Advantage of Its Benefits
Debt Free Solutions
Credit card debt consolidation loan is simply a loan you avail to pay your other existing debts. This is a way used by some people who try to settle their enormous credit card debts. A way out, they suppose.
There are several ways to settle your credit card debts, but the quickest way to do it is through debt elimination which will take you about 2-4years to eliminate all your debts. Not bad! Adding the fact that your monthly payment can be reduced up to 60%, what more can you ask for? This can really be your way out of debt!
There is also credit card debt consolidation loan which can help you settle your debts. Though this may take you longer, you will be enjoying some benefits it will offer you. Imagine living a comfortable life while paying your debts. Not bad either!
In credit card debt consolidation loan, you will loan a certain amount from creditors to pay all your existing credit card debts. This can be done through consolidation companies which will help you find a creditor who will loan you the amount needed.
The consolidation company will work with your other creditors to agree for a reduction of payment on your debts. This sounds good! Plus you will be paying this new loan in small monthly payment and for a longer period, isn t it a great way to settle your debts?
Paying your debts in a convenient and manageable way is such an appealing deal. Who will dare resist this kind of offer?
But this can be deceiving. Why? If you think of it, the interest you will paying the new loan can double up the principal amount you borrowed because you will have to pay it for a longer period of time. It may be a little convenient on your part since you will be paying minimal sum monthly, but this will also mean that you will be in debt longer. And add up the fees you have to pay the company and the all the charges you have to shoulder, this could be a disaster in the making.
So before you make the decision of availing a credit card debt consolidation loan, make sure you know and understand everything you need. It may be your way out of debt, but if don t watch out, this could be your way into a never-ending debt treadmill.
I m the CEO of Debt Free Solutions, a debt consulting firm located in Long Beach, CA. I have established business in October, 2000. I m dedicated to assisting Americans nationwide to eliminate excessive credit card and other unsecured debt.
I expose how credit card companies trap Americans into suffering in debt- often for life. I have developed a deep-rooted passion for helping debtors fight back and escape the credit card trap!
I utilize my expertise to analyze my client s financial situation. Based on each debtor s unique needs, various programs and strategies are implemented to aid them in dissolving their debt in the quickest, safest, and most cost-effective method possible. I structure my programs to drastically minimize the risks that are inevitable with all debt elimination programs.
I offer our clients much more than a debt settlement company. The vast majority of debt negotiation companies simply settle your debts on your behalf with your creditors- nothing more.
I, on the other hand, provide free services to significantly minimize the risks that are involved in negotiating with your creditors.
Joseph Hernandez
Debt Free Solutions
(800) 668-8090
It s critical that you choose the
get out of debt.
You need to weigh the pros and cons of each program to determine which program is best. Choosing the wrong program may cause a financial disaster!
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