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Gemology As A Career Choice
Victor Epand
Many jewelers are very detail oriented and enjoy looking at high-end jewelry, such as diamonds and other precious stones, and many individuals would like to professionalize their interest in jewelry and thought about gemology as a potential career option.
Gemology is definitely the key element of the jewelry business as gemologists are the specialists that grade gems and precious stones. Gemologists must be detail oriented, which is critical since they inspect and appraise the value of gems and stones. The gemologists use the information obtained to prepare written documentation and appraisals for their customers. For instance, when observing a diamond, gemologists will assess its features commonly known as the four Cs, which are clarity, cut, color and carat.
Gemologists are able to answer specific questions posed by customers about the characteristics of diamonds and stones. Their additional duties include sorting gems and stones, and coordinating inventory control of incoming jewelry items. Gemologists may prepare the gems and stones for use by jewelry designers. Instruments that are used by gemologists include refractometers, which measure the extent to which light is bent or refracted from a stone, leverage gauges, lopes, and polariscope.
Career options available to gemologists include jewelry buyer, inventory specialist, diamond grader, and appraiser. The GIA offers a six-month Graduate Gemologist Diploma Program, which instructs on topics such as grading and detentions. With this programs you will learn how the four Cs actually affect the value of a diamond. You will learn how to grade diamonds in the normal color range and to use gemological equipment that has been designed to help you grade and identify hundreds of different gemstones.
This program will also give you the ability to learn how to detect synthetics and treatments, to describe color in gemstones, to work with diamond stimulants, and to detect fracture-filled diamonds. The cost of this program includes your books, instruments, and materials that you will need. The GIA also has a career services department that helps their graduates find employment. The career placement services center offers assistance with resumes and other issues pertinent to the job search. Graduate gemologists are typically recruited by GIA to work at their various laboratories, plus they also maintain a web listing of jobs nationwide.
Once you have become a certified gemologist, then it is imperative that you join the International Gem Society, which is also known as the IGS. This is an international society of gemologists, which gives its members industry updates through newsletters and professional development courses. An additional benefit is the opportunity to become designated as a Master Gemologist by the IGS, which can be earned by taking a written and practical exam.
In order to qualify to take these exams, one must provide proof of certification as a gemologist, which the GIA certification should suffice. Once the exam has been taken and passed, then you will receive your certification as a Master Gemologist. Given your passion for gemology, you might want to visit the International Gem Society web site, which provides a listing of gems ranging from agates to zircons and the details provided include re-tractability, wear-ability, heat sensitivity, and other pertinent characteristics.
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Gemology As A Career Choice