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Railway Recruitment 2013 – Jobs Whistling, where are you!
Sanjay Joshi
Getting a job for a fresher is itself a tough task since the past few decades now. The main contributory factors for this scarcity of jobs are increasing population, inadequate resources, slow rate of development in rural sectors and many others. However, there are many government sectors which enroll new candidates on their payroll every year. One of them is railways.
Indian Railways is one of the biggest and busiest railways network in the world now. To maintain and run such a big railway network efficiently it is essential to provide this network with adequate quantity of resources and technology. To meet this need, Indian railways recruit new candidates for its different divisions every year. Likewise every year, this year also Indian railways is recruiting candidates for their central and southern division under the recruitment drive Central railways recruitment 2013 and southern railways recruitment 2013 respectively. This article will help you to know about the different vacancies on offer in both the divisions under the railway recruitment drive.
Southern Railways recruitment drive offers jobs for Engineers, diploma holders and graduates. Southern Railways invites application from Indian citizens for recruitment of clerical staff under sports quota. Candidates applying for this opening must have participated in Talent Scouting for the year 2011-2012 in a game event like Athletic men and women, boxing men, chess men, basketball men and women, golf men, table tennis men, cricket men- batsman, bowler, all-rounder etc. The two Pay bands for this job are 5200-20200 (Pay band-I) and 9300-34800 (Pay band-II) respectively. All the relevant information regarding formalities to be performed for filling the application is available on Indian railways job portal. All completed applications are to be sent to Chennai to the Assistant Personnel officer of Southern Railway recruitment cell. Candidates can apply for all the available opportunities online which really make one s job much easier.
Central Railways recruitment drive has lot more to offer as far as job opportunities are concerned when compared to Southern railways. Few names of the post which are vacant are Junior Accountant, Assistant cum Typist, Commercial clerk , stenographer (Hindi), Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical) etc. All the vacancies are in category of physically handicapped. So candidates who are orthopedically handicapped, hearing handicapped and visually handicapped can only apply for this job. Pay band for junior accountant, assistant cum typist and commercial clerk is 5200-20200. Typing efficiency for applying for the post of junior accountant is a minimum of 30 words per minute in English and 25 words per minute in Hindi. Medical standard for all the three post is kept as C-1. Moving on to the higher grades, candidates can apply for the post of Probationary ASM having pay scale of 9300-34800. Candidate should be a graduate for applying for this job.
After submitting the applications candidates have to appear for a written test in this railway recruitment 2013 drive. Many institutes across India conduct courses which an interested candidate may pursue to crack these written examinations. So we wish luck to all the interested candidates for a good show in the written exams to bag a job for themselves.
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