- Desa Australia
Submitted by: Nikita Phillips
There are many types of home businesses that can be conducted quite profitably on the internet these days. You simply operate your internet business from home either as a mainline activity or in your spare time. An internet home business provides great flexibility and the potential to earn more than a nine to five job.
One of the most profitable internet business idea is one of site flipping. Site flipping is where you buy a website, make some changes and resell it for a profit. This idea has become a huge industry and a popular way to make money online.
To start earning through site flipping, you will need some seed capital to buy websites maybe a couple of hundred dollars. Sites sell for anything from a few dollars to a few million dollars. Obviously, when you start, you will concentrate on low-priced websites.
Sites for sale are usually listed in many webmaster forums as well as specialized sites like flippa. When searching for sites to buy, always try to look for the ones that appeal to you and in a niche you are familiar with. This will enable you to quickly assess a site’s present and future value.
There are a few factors you should also consider when deciding to buy a site for reselling purposes. These are: the age of the site, the position of the site in the search engines, the quality of the site, the quality and traffic sources it gets, the amount of money the site makes, etc. This will entail you seeking out information from the current owner.
Always try, if possible, to verify this information supplied with an independent party. For instance, you can check the website’s rank yourself in the search engine, you can check it’s age by doing a whois search or you can check the alexa rank of the site on alexa itself. Any income the site makes also needs to be verified.
When you are satisfied and want to go ahead and purchase the site, always try to negotiate a better price. When you pay, make sure you use an escrow service. An escrow service provider is an independent third party who will ensure that your payment only goes to the seller once you have received the goods, in this case the site itself.
Once you are the new owner of the website, you may like to spend some time with this site to add extra value. Perhaps, you could improve the site’s design, layout or content. You could also improve the sites ranking or the site’s traffic. The latter could enable you to increase the income of the site.
Once you are satisfied with your site and feel it is time to sell it, then list it in the same places as discussed earlier. Obviously, you will be setting a higher price for the site buy low and sell high. Once you have successfully sold your site, you pocket your profit and move on to another site. It is quite possible, when you are full steam ahead, to make quite a few deals every month. The combined profit you make from each deal could add up to a tidy monthly sum.
About the Author: Nikita Phillips writes home business articles for
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