- Napoleon Lex For Sale
Submitted by: Skylar Domo
From holiday parties, raucous bachelorette parties in Vegas, to modern weddings, receiving party invitations in the mail is a reason for you and your potential guests to celebrate. If you’re throwing a get-together for one of these life events, grab your pencil and start jotting down your guest list because your friends and family are ready to paaaaaaaarty.
1. Bachelorette PartyInvitations What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas or something like that. What s more raucous than a bachelorette party in Sin City? Invite your favorite gal pals for a weekend of partying and not whispering a word of it afterwards.
2. Birthday Invitations Not far behind Bachelorette parties are birthdays. It doesn t matter if it s 26 or 56, a birthday is the great reason to invite friends and family for good times. Bdays can be simple and easy or massive blowouts that are burn-down-the-house-fun – whichever one you decide on just make sure you and your house are insured.
3. GraduationParty Invitations – After seven long years of undergrad, you deserve an expensive party to add to the debt you ll be paying off for the next 40 years. What s another couple thousand dollars? Seriously, your achievements deserve recognition no matter how many times you skipped a Monday morning class. It s all good, bro.
4. Summer Party When the sun is out people want to have a good time. Isn t that an amendment or something? Whatever it is a BBQ, a pool party, a picnic, a luau, or some other theme that tries to take advantage of the blazing weather the summer is the perfect time to throw a party for absolutely no reason other than you aren t inside.
5. HousewarmingParty – The real test in friendship is when you ask your buddies/budettes to come by on a Saturday morning to help you move your beanie-baby collection across town. You can show your thanks (and your freshly-chipped coffee table) with a housewarming party. Forget Facebook send out moving announcements with a photo of the team after 14 hours of packing and moving. Much funnier in hindsight, I promise!
6. Bar Mitzvah Invitations You re 13 years old, now, so act like it! According to Jewish law, this is the age in which Jewish boys become ethically responsible for their actions and behavior. Ok, so you can t act up like you did when you were 12, but you can still have fun in this Jewish coming of age ritual. So, become responsible, read a little Torah, but also have some fun this bar mitzvahs about you, buddy!
7. HolidayInvitations Ok, so holiday parties are generally a lot less rowdy because everyone can t move in their bulky sweater and dressy attire. Set the tone with your holiday party invitations and let them know that they should be prepared for something a little more wild than stockings and tinsel. Turn things up a little with some special egg nog. Throw out the Bing Crosby LP and break out the Justin Bieber holiday MP3.
About the Author: Tanya Guthrie is a mother, recreational photographer and wannabe event promoter. Tanya has turned her amateur photographs into birthday invitations for her daughter and created bachelorette party invitations for her friend s party.
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