Florida man charged with stealing Wi-Fi

Update since publication This article mentions that Wi-Fi stands for “Wireless Fidelity”, although this is disputed. Thursday, July 7, 2005 A Florida man is being charged with 3rd degree felony for logging into a private Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) Internet access point without permission. Benjamin Smith III, 41, is set for a pre-trial hearing this month in the first case of its kind in the United States. This kind of activity

Wikinews interviews Rocky De La Fuente, U.S. Democratic Party presidential candidate

Thursday, March 31, 2016 De La Fuente at the Lesser-Known Candidates Forum, January 2016. Image: Marc Nozell. Businessman Rocky De La Fuente took some time to speak with Wikinews about his campaign for the U.S. Democratic Party’s 2016 presidential nomination. The 61-year-old De La Fuente resides in San Diego, California, grew up in Tijuana, and owns multiple businesses and properties throughout the world. Since getting his start in the automobile

Egyptian billionaire MP, former policeman to hang for Lebanese pop star’s murder

Friday, May 22, 2009 Egyptian businessman Hisham Talaat Moustafa, chairman of the construction and real estate firm Talaat Moustafa Group and a member of parliament for the ruling National Democratic Party, and former policeman Mohseen Al Sukkari have been convicted of murdering Lebanese pop star Suzanne Tamim. The prosecution alleged that Mustafa, who had an affair with Tamim, paid Al Sukkari US$2 million to kill her. The woman was found

Edmund White on writing, incest, life and Larry Kramer

Thursday, November 8, 2007 Edmund WhiteAll photos: David Shankbone What you are about to read is an American life as lived by renowned author Edmund White. His life has been a crossroads, the fulcrum of high-brow Classicism and low-brow Brett Easton Ellisism. It is not for the faint. He has been the toast of the literary elite in New York, London and Paris, befriending artistic luminaries such as Salman Rushdie

Race to save Chilean miners trapped underground from spiralling into depression continues

Thursday, September 2, 2010 Rescue efforts to save the 33 Chilean miners trapped 700 meters from the surface continue. After seeing video images filmed by one of the miners Ruth Contreras, the mother of Carlos Bravo, who is trapped in the mine, said the “he’s skinny, bearded and it was painful to see him with his head hanging down, but I am so happy to see him alive.” Image: Desierto

Iran agrees to expanded monitoring of nuclear sites

Tuesday, November 12, 2013 File photo of the UN nuclear chief, Yukiya Amano Image: International Students’ Committee. Iran agreed on Monday to allow the United Nations (UN) increased access to nuclear facilities according to a government announcement on state television. UN monitors will gain access to a heavy water reactor still being built, as well as the largest uranium reactor in Iran. The government announcement also stated that Iran would

Riots in Tonga

Friday, November 17, 2006 Riots in Nuku?alofa, Tonga. Start of the major fires. Rioting erupted in Tonga today in protest at the slow pace of democratic reform, with rampaging protesters setting fire to buildings and overturning police and government vehicles. The violence erupted two months after the death of the South Pacific nation’s conservative king. Rioting crowds overturned cars, looted and set fire to shops and offices, and stoned government

One dead in Michigan school shooting

Wednesday, March 7, 2007 H.H. Dow High School. At least one person is seriously wounded and one dead after a 17 year-old male opened fire and shot his ex-girlfriend, Jessica Forsyth, 17, four times outside the Herbert Henry Dow High School located in Midland, Michigan before turning the gun on himself. The shooter was pronounced dead on the scene and according to Midland Police Chief, James St. Louis, the shooter

Southern Ocean whale slaughter to resume

Tuesday, January 3, 2006 The Esperanza (Image Credit: © Greenpeace / John Novis) The international environmental organisation, Greenpeace, have been shadowing a Japanese whaling fleet currently operating in the Southern Ocean in Australian Antarctic Territory. They claim a minor victory against the six-vessel fleet, saying no whales have been killed since Christmas Eve. However they expect a resumption of whaling and protest activity soon. Greenpeace has two ships, MV Esperanza

ACLU, EFF challenging US ‘secret’ court orders seeking Twitter data

Thursday, April 7, 2011 Logo of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Logo of the American Civil Liberties Union. Late last month, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed objections to the United States Government’s ‘secret’ attempts to obtain Twitter account information relating to WikiLeaks. The ACLU and EFF cite First and Fourth amendment issues as overriding reasons to overturn government attempts to keep their investigation secret;